Judge Profile
Janice Davey
All Breeds International Judge
I'm a cat lover from way back. In 1987, with my husband John, we started breeding Birmans under the prefix LEEGRGO. Then we went on to breed Tabby Birman with the prefix BIRPUR.
I have been a member of the Birman Cat Club since 1987; I also belong to the Sacred Temple Cat Club of New Zealand and are a Life member, I have held position of Club President, Secretary and show Secretary.I have held roles on the NZCF Executive Council, over the pasted nine years.
My Judges Training started in 1999, I became a Senior Longhair Judge in 2003 , I became an All breeds Judge in 2013, I am also a Longhair Tutor Judge.
I really enjoy the judging scene, meeting the exhibitors of these beautiful cats, every time I am out on the floor it is very rewarding. I have judged in most of Australian States.
Friday 1 September American Shorthair, British Shorthair, Manx Longhair (Cymric),
Manx Shorthair, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair,
Scottish Longhair, Scottish Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Persian,
Ragdoll, Snowshoes.
Saturday 2 September Balinese, Foreign White Longhair, Foreign White Shorthair, Oriental
Longhair, Oriental Shorthair, Peterbald, Siamese
Sunday 3 September Abyssinian, Australian Mist, Egyptian Mau, Ocicat, Russian,
Singapura, Somali, Tonkinese.
Monday 4 September Birman, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Siberian,
Turkish Angora, Turkish Van.
Tuesday 5 September Bengal, Sphynx, La Perm'
Wednesday 6 September Breeders Promotional Day and Club Promotional Day
Thursday 7 September Burmese, Bombay, Burmilla, Mandalay, Japanese Bobtail,
Friday 8 September American Curl Longhair, American Curl Shorthair, Cornish Rex,
Devon Rex, Selkirk Rex Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair.
Saturday 9 September Domestic.
Sunday 10 September Major Prize Winners.